Irrelevance For Relevance

Only congress would think and practice irrelevance for relevance. For example, their opposition to the e-levy is so glaringly irrational. If it were genuine with motherland development inuring reasoning, that reasoning should have, by now, been articulated through a barrage of communication appearances, and deluge in media content they are accustomed to mounting. They would have capitalized on the media outlets they have appropriated to themselves, raiding our national frequency resource by creating, looting and sharing.

Congress the beguiled, should endeavour to watch the movie thriller of same title, ‘The Beguiled.’ It might do them some good. They would learn promising everyone the world separately will come to be known by all at the same time and lead to an embarrassing exposure. It would be the kind of embarrassment even for them who act they cannot be embarrassed.

Beguiled, the movie, has as its storyline, the lead character, a man at the point of death, who is rescued by some girls in a boarding school who were picking wild mushrooms around their school premises. Flowing from their motherly instinct, the whole school of females: principal, teachers and students, all the way down to the youngest of the schoolgirls, attend to him, nursing him to help him recover and heal from his severe death-threatening wounds.

Apparently a beguiled monster, in the process of receiving all the caring attention from all in the institution, he seduces anyone who comes close to him. He promises each and everyone who attends to him undying love uniquely for her and unmatched in his experience. That included the most innocent of them all, the tiny little girl, and the boss of everyone, the principal.

However, at some point, by some fate, they would all, together, come to tell their story of advances and proposals from Mr. Loverman. Each would describe her experience with him in the same words the beguiled had spoken to her.

Of course, they would come together to hatch a scheme which they implemented as punishment that would make him pay for his deceit. He had to suffer for mocking their generosity in pouring on him lavishing, luxurious love and affection. Congress must know a similar fate awaits it; because you cannot lie to all the people all the time and get away with it forever.

As for their man who speaks not well, on various counts a maverick, he’s now seeking recognition through clothing irrelevance. As if he’s never heard appearance can easily be deceptive, he’s falsely claiming authenticity to repair the irretrievable self-inflicted reputation damage when he attempted to usurp number two. He probably is unaware he is acting incompetently by those clothing actions he wrongly believes would habilitate his bruised image with one that would project him as unbiased.

I read a region mate supporting him while condemning the way people in the judiciary dress, arrogantly instructing them in the judiciary to follow the lead of the speaker. My immediate reaction was look at someone with an oburoni name asking people not to dress the oburoni way; very typical of the congress hypocrite.

His abotire (headgear) reminds me of a wife’s ‘Ɛnnyɛneaehianie’ reaction to her husband in a commercial. The headgear is only nsɛnkyerɛne (symbol) a ɛnnkahuu (of no substance). Ɛmmfa papa biara ɛmmɛka nea yɛre hwehwɛ ho (It adds nothing of substance to the image which is the issue at stake).

I quote from the NDC 2020 election manifesto: ‘8.7 Financial Inclusion and Electronic Payments … The next NDC Government will c. introduce a uniform transaction fee policy to guide the electronic payments industry.’ So now they want financial exclusion? Maybe, in their usual don’t read habit, they haven’t read what they wrote themselves. No matter what else they would try and make it mean, their manifesto statement simply means taxing electronic transactions, a.k.a e-levy.

Before I came across it, I was thinking, should congress by any evil luck come to power, they would raise the e-levy to ten times the GH¢1.75 they say they are against now. I have the road toll as my reference point. In 2008, it was five pesewas. They raised it tenfold in 2009 to 50 pesewas.

I wonder when they would realise seeking relevance by acting irrelevance is a farce. I am certain they never would because it is their habit. It will never happen. I still hope, though, that they continue with that; because it’s one way to ensure they are no substitute to problem solving, dealing effectively with our motherland’s development challenges. Seeking relevance through irrelevance is a no no. If they have chosen that path to power, let’s egg them on, just to make sure they deepen their irrelevance and stay too irrelevant to be ever considered to be of relevance.

By Kwasi Ansu-Kyeremeh
