It Is Possible – Gonja Overlord To Bawumia

Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia paying homage to Yagbonwura


The Overlord of Gonjaland, Yagbonwura Bi-Kunuto Jewu Soale believes that the flagbearer of the New Patriotic Party (NPP), Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia, is on the path of becoming the President of the country.

The Gonja King made the prediction when the Vice President called on him during his campaign tour of the Savannah Region in Damongo.

The Vice President’s respect for traditional authority was in full flight when upon arrival at the palace he prostrated the way Gonjas do when they are in the presence of their king.

The picture of the Vice President paying homage to the Gonja King was shared widely on social media.

Dr. Bawumia’s itinerary in all the regions he has visited so far includes a call on both traditional and religious leaders and thereafter interacting with traders and youth.

It was during his visit to the Savannah Regional House of Chiefs in Damongo last Wednesday when the Yagbonwura, who is also the President of the Savannah Regional House of Chiefs, told the august guest that “It is possible” for Dr. Bawumia to become the President of Ghana.

He said so in a speech read on his behalf by the Kpembewura. “This is from the Overlord to you,” remarked the Kpembewura. “You say it is possible: yes, it is possible that you will be the President of Ghana.”