Manasseh Fights Back Ibrahim Mahama’s Legal Threats


Investigative journalist Manasseh Azure Awuni has clarified the controversy surrounding his latest book, “The President Ghana Never Got”, and the legal threats from Ibrahim Mahama’s lawyers.

In a statement released on August 23, 2024, Manasseh explained that he had received calls regarding false reports that Ibrahim Mahama had given him an ultimatum to delete pages 89 and 90 of his book due to inaccurate information.

Manasseh denied this, stating that Mahama’s lawyers had actually taken issue with a specific paragraph in the book’s chapter on the economy.

The disputed paragraph claims that Ibrahim Mahama was indebted to Merchant Bank when it was sold in 2013.

However, Mahama’s lawyers argue that it was his company, Engineers and Planners, that owed the bank, not Ibrahim Mahama personally.

Manasseh has forwarded the demands to his lawyers and assures that the matter will be addressed soon.

This development comes amidst a backdrop of controversy surrounding the sale of Merchant Bank to Fortiz in 2013, with Manasseh’s book shedding light on the complex transactions involved.

BY Daniel Bampoe