Rev. Eyison Grateful To Musicians, Media

Rev. Eddie Eyison


Rev. Eddie Eyison, a well-known gospel artiste, has conveyed his deep gratitude to all musicians in Ghana for the Musicians Union of Ghana’s (MUSIGA) successful election of national executives.

Rev. Eyison thanked all media outlets for helping MUSIGA flourish after being elected without opposition as national treasurer.

Credited with writing several songs, he expressed his gratitude to the nation’s radio stations for providing MUSIGA with the necessary platforms on their various networks to promote the union’s activities.

He expressed gratitude to the musicians for helping him to continue serving as the union’s national treasurer.

The gospel artiste, who attributes his success to hard work and God’s blessing and grace upon his life, as well as the guidance of the Apostle General Sam Korankye Ankrah of Royalhouse Chapel, said God has been faithful to him throughout his music career.

He appealed to all musicians to come on board to lift the image of the union, especially those who have left for one reason or the other.

He has also promised to serve the interest of all members to achieve the best for the union.

Rev. Eddie Eyison has been in the gospel music industry for the past two decades. He is also a senior pastor of the Royalhouse Chapel in Accra.

He has been well-known on the airwaves as a great songwriter, singer and performer whose inspiring songs never fail to have a progressive impact on people.

By George Clifford Owusu