Tomatoes Prices Drop


Prices of tomatoes at the Agbogbloshie market in Accra have suddenly dropped after months of upward trend.

This is because tomatoes are now in season, and there are many available, as retailers and consumers are happy about the lower prices.

In a report by Citi News, monitored by DGN Online, a tomato seller, Comfort Annor, said that she can now buy tomatoes at a lower price and sell them to customers at a lower price, too.

However, some customers are asking for even lower prices, which make it hard for sellers like Comfort to make a profit.

Another seller, Dede Bibioo, said that even though the prices are lower, customers are not buying as much as they used to, adding that, this is a problem for sellers who have many tomatoes to sell before they perish.

Meanwhile, customers are happy about the lower prices and hope they will go down even more. They think that if fuel prices go down, vegetable prices will also drop.

Some sellers think the Akufo-Addo-led government should help farmers grow tomatoes all year round and build factories to process them so that prices don’t get too high. This would help sellers and customers, they claim.

-BY Daniel Bampoe